Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ideas to Decorate Your Living Room

What most people forget while decorating their living room is the fact that living rooms have to be more practical rather than just decorative? Having useful appliances that you frequently use is more important than implementing a theme in your living room. The furniture and equipment must match your personal style more than it needs to match the curtains or walls.

Yet, it does not mean over stuffing the poor room with every thing related to your personality and passions. For example, it is nice to have piano in your living room, especially if you are gifted with that talent, but piano benches and a sheet music cabinet can unnecessarily take up considerable space in your living room. You can put the piano bench in another room when not in use. However, that may not be the case when you are having a LCD TV which your friends like watching games and shows on.

There are few tips and ideas to follow while decorating the living rooms. These tips and ideas can save a lot of space and mess in the room that is most commonly used in the house, the Living Room.

• Start the decoration process of your living room with a little brainstorming first. List down all the activities that are most probably going to take place in that room, for example, watching TV, listening music or even reading.

• Then list down all the furniture you have or plan to have in your room, or any other piece of furniture you require for the activities you wish to occur in your living room.

• After you had prepared both lists, try to figure out one object that you want to be the focal point in your room. A focal point of room is something that catches the eye just as you enter the room. This focal point can be the traditional fireplace, piano, an Armoire, a book shelf, a painting, a center rug or a large screen LCD.

• The next step is the arrangement. This definitely requires a lot of creativity and imagination. Everyone has their own personal style and you are free to incorporate your style in your room arrangements. However, there are some rules you should follow in order to maintain the practicality and functionality of your living room.

• Keep the walkways clear, otherwise it will be hard to move around easily and your room will look messy. Same goes for windows and doors.

• Try not to fix everything back with a wall. It will create a very one dimensional and plain feeling in the room.

• If the room is too large, break it up in partitions. You can use curtains or dividers for this purpose or simply arrange the furniture of one portion in a very independent way from the other.

• Avoid making the room too cluttered. Get rid of furniture you do not really need.

• Finally, arrange the whole furniture in such a way that it creates scenery around the focal point. It would be best if you can make the whole room seem like converging towards your focal point. This gives a very organized feel to the whole room.

Connor R Sullivan researched purchasing a piano bench online. He and his wife ordered a couple of piano benches online to donate to the local church.

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